Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We've been approved and we have footers!

We finally heard back from the lender!!! WE HAVE BEEN APPROVED!!! We actually found out almost 2 wks. ago, but life has been CRAZY here lately with the school schedules and new fall programs at church, that I had forgotten to get on here and update.

I'm still amazed that we are going to be in a house that is so perfect for us. I know God likes to do these types of things for His people...but I guess it's easier for me to believe that for other people than for myself.

Last week, the builder was working on pulling all the permits needed for the house. Today...they poured the footers! We just got the phone call that it was done, so I was not able to get pictures. But, I will drive by tomorrow and get pictures. I actually had thought about driving over today even before I knew they had done anything, but I had been out running errands ALL day and just wanted to be home. Figures!

They are working hard to get this house done before the end of Nov. So, if all goes well, I can expect to be in AND settled by Christmas...which is SO wonderful! What a great time of year to be in a new home...as close to a dream home as we can afford and everything we need and then some. THANK YOU GOD!!!! SINCERELY!

"Who Am I?" Awesome Video

Before playing this video, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and pause or silence my music player. Enjoy! This is awesome!!!


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