Tuesday, December 15, 2009

We are closing on Thursday!!!

All of the paperwork is finally processed and we are closing on Thursday!!! FINALLY...A REAL HOME!

Thank you, Lord, for your blessings!

Friday, November 6, 2009

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Monday, October 12, 2009

House in progress!

There is actually a lot more done now, but I don't have access to those pics at the moment. But, it's coming a long!!! :)

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

We've been approved and we have footers!

We finally heard back from the lender!!! WE HAVE BEEN APPROVED!!! We actually found out almost 2 wks. ago, but life has been CRAZY here lately with the school schedules and new fall programs at church, that I had forgotten to get on here and update.

I'm still amazed that we are going to be in a house that is so perfect for us. I know God likes to do these types of things for His people...but I guess it's easier for me to believe that for other people than for myself.

Last week, the builder was working on pulling all the permits needed for the house. Today...they poured the footers! We just got the phone call that it was done, so I was not able to get pictures. But, I will drive by tomorrow and get pictures. I actually had thought about driving over today even before I knew they had done anything, but I had been out running errands ALL day and just wanted to be home. Figures!

They are working hard to get this house done before the end of Nov. So, if all goes well, I can expect to be in AND settled by Christmas...which is SO wonderful! What a great time of year to be in a new home...as close to a dream home as we can afford and everything we need and then some. THANK YOU GOD!!!! SINCERELY!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

House shopping again!

Well...we've been here before...but this time, we think we will be buying a house. It's not finalized yet, so I say that with some hesitation. In fact, I'd rather not tell people that we are house shopping again in case it doesn't work out. BUT...I'd like as many people praying about it as are willing, so here it is...

We found a 5 bedroom house that I fell in love with. I would never have thought we could afford a 5 bedroom house, but, because we would be going through a developer, we are able to get a better rate and the monthly payment will be lower than what we would pay for a cheaper re-sale house. Amazing! A brand new house....cheaper than a used one. It will be clean...no need for repairs...under warranty...AWESOME!

If this house IS what God has for us, we can see how He has worked it out in His time...which we can see is the right time and how waiting has made it so that we can get a house large enough for our family. Everytime we thought we were ready to buy a house and God said, "No", the next house we considered was better, (nicer, bigger, more house for the money, location, etc.), so we also know that if this is NOT the house God has for us, that He does have something out there and that it will meet our needs, in every way.

But, I will admit, if it's not this house, I will be very sad. :) I like everything about this house! And, through an incentive program the developer has offered, we are able to put in some upgrades, at no cost to us. These upgrades will include some things that are important to me, for the health of our kids. For instance, instead of the included carpet that comes in the bedrooms, we'll be putting down vinyl (can't afford to upgrade to real wood!), in each of the kids' rooms, the family room and the dining room. Carpet, for kids with CF can be harmful because it holds onto bacteria and it's difficult (or impossible) to get rid of. And, since Carter is allergic to dustmites, carpet isn't good for him either. The house has 3 full bathrooms! The kitchen is just right and there is enough counter space for my cakes!!! It also has a walk-in pantry! One of Greg's and my favorite things is the LARGE walk-in closet off the master bathroom. Clothes are our enemy where we live now. It's not that we have an unusal abundance of clothes, it's that we have a severe lack of closet space and only so much room for dressers. LOL The laundry room is upstairs next to most of the bedrooms (the 5th bedroom is downstairs and for now, will be a guest room/office, until the kids are older, and then they can each have their OWN room!!!). The house will have to be built, and should take 4 months. This would get us in the house in November...just in time for the tax credit...and maybe better yet...just in time for Christmas!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So...there you go! Something to pray about. :) I'll keep you posted. We should hear something soon. I will say, the lender thinks it will go through, but there were a few things that had/have to be done, so we are waiting on those and time will tell! I don't like waiting. God knows this. But, makes me wait anyway...probably teaching me something. :) I'm trying to learn!!!

Sunday, June 14, 2009


Probably anyone that actually stops in to read this (since I'm not good at keeping it up), already knows I had surgery yesterday. I have, apparently, inherited all of my medical genes from my Dad. :) So, like him, I had to have my gall bladder removed. It had been bothering me for quite some time, but the pain would come and go, so I put off getting it looked into. When you have small children, who see Dr.'s all the time, a week with no appointments is a lovely thing! So, I was in no hurry to fill those, what feels like, rare weeks. However, a few months ago, I'd had enough! I finally saw a GI specialist to see why I was having so much pain in my upper, right abdomen. After running a few tests, we found, through a HIDA scan, that my gall bladder was inflamed and not working properly. With these results, he referred me to a surgeon. I was kind of surprised that that was the next step, but I went to the consultation open-minded. I was hoping to hear that he thought there were things I could do to help heal my gall bladder before we approached the idea of surgery, but he was pretty to the point that it needed to come out. He didn't know yet if there were stones. So, he ordered an ultrasound. The ultrasound showed several small stones. But...I didn't know. The nurse who called to schedule my surgery couldn't tell me the results because the Dr. had not yet reviewed them. I understand the concept...but seriously! Several weeks went by, and I had kind of forgotten about it because I wasn't in pain and I had a lot going on. When she had called to schedule the surgery, I didn't make a decision because I knew some things were coming up that would interfere with the surgery...or I guess I should say the surgery would interfere with them...but I needed to find out from Greg what he needed from me with a Sr. High trip he is planning. So, anyway, I was put off calling them back because I was hoping to put off the surgery 'til early July.
Well, Thursday (June 4th), I started to feel pain again. Usually, the pain would last a few hours to maybe a day at the most. But, Saturday came and I was still in pain. I went to Urgent Care and they gave me pain meds and suggested I call the surgeon on Monday. The pain meds helped, but didn't take care of it. I put a call into the Dr. thinking there was a possibility of having surgery that day (I don't know why I thought that!). It took several hours before I heard back from the office. They gave me the option of having it that Wednesday or waiting until the next week. I kind of wanted to have it that Wed., BUT...it was our week of VBS and I am the Director. So, I thought, since they didn't seem to feel it was urgent, that I could put it off...(okay, I see the error in my thinking now).
My plan to put off surgery so that I wouldn't miss VBS backfired. By Tuesday, I was in greater pain. The pain meds weren't touching it! I wasn't even able to do VBS that night. I would have done it with the pain, but my job is to get the kids pumped in the beginning and then lead them in the songs and basically MC the opening and closing, but I wasn't able to yell or sing...the pain was too intense. So, I stayed home and other people stepped up to fill my spot. (Which is awesome!)
By Thursday morning, around 6:00am, I decided it was enough. I let Greg and the boys continue to sleep, and I drove myself to the ER (I did tell Greg where I was going). They kept me there for about 6 hours...the pain meds were WONDERFUL! The ER Doc was in touch with my surgeon and they were sort of on the fence as to whether they should admit me or send me home with stronger pain meds (than the ones I received at Urgent Care). The concern here is that they don't like to do the surgery while the gall bladder is inflamed, or if it's infected (which they didn't know if it was or not), because there is risk of it bursting or them not being able to do the surgery laparoscopicly (just 4 "holes/incisions" in the abdomen), and having to do it the "old fashioned" way and making a large incision and requiring a much longer recovery period. So, the goal was, go home, on a liquid diet (I hadn't really eaten anything since Monday, anyway, just a few bites here and there), and try to let the gall bladder "cool down" and be ready for surgery on Tuesday. The ER doc said that if the pain got worse, or if other symptoms appeared (fever, vomiting, etc), to come back.
By Friday AM, the pain was at least as strong as it was the day before and the pain meds weren't cutting it! I was also getting concerned about dehydration because I wasn't eating and I was hardly drinking since I was trying to sleep so much, so I didn't feel the pain. Greg wasn't home, but he did have the 2 older boys with him (a friend from church had the 2 younger ones from Wed-Fri! Bless her heart!!!). I called Greg and told him that I was pretty sure I needed to go back to the ER. So, he came home and made arrangements for the boys and took me in. This time, though this ER doc seemed to think I could have managed the pain at home by just taking more of my prescribed medicine (but acknowledged that I took it according to how it was prescribed), the surgeon told him to admit me. THANK YOU!
Once again, I was thankful for the hospital pain meds. They were the only thing that decreased the pain and also allowed me to get some sleep. And, I was glad to have the saline IV around the clock, putting fluids back into my system with little to no effort on my part (just had to keep my arm straight because they put the port in the bend of my arm and sometimes the slightest movement would cause the machine to stop).
They put me on the schedule for Saturday at 2:00.
From the time they got me to the OR, it was supposed to be about a 2-hour procedure, but Greg said it took about 4 hours. Some of that was recovery time, but I think that was also calculated in the 2 hours it was supposed to be.
When I saw the Dr. this morning (Sunday, June 14th), he said my gall bladder was "a wreck" and he wished they had kept me the first time I came into the ER. Oh well...who knew! It was inflamed and infected and hardened from being that way for so long. He acknowledged that I must have been in a lot of pain and for a long time. (I tried to tell them!)

I did have some people suggest I try a natural cleanse or "flush" before letting them take my gall bladder...and though I think they have a very good argument, I truly believe that my gall bladder was beyond repair. The pain was so intense and lasted 10 days, until they took it out, with no relief in sight. I think I was at a greater risk of it bursting and infection spreading through my whole body, than the possibility of "healing" it on my own.

So, anyway...I'm glad it's behind me. Now...recovery. It shouldn't be too bad...but it will take a few days, I'm sure! Greg's mom is coming Tuesday and will spend a week with us. Then Carter and Jackson will fly back with her and stay in PA/NY for a few weeks, spending time with both of our parents and visiting their cousins! They love that! This will allow me a little more recovery time and what will probably turn into some spring cleaning once I feel like myself again. Greg will be flying up to NY for a few days anyway, so they will fly back with him.

Thanks for all the prayers and concern. I definitely wouldn't choose surgery just for this reason...but it's nice to be reminded how loved my family is! We are blessed and humbled by it all. Consider yourself hugged!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

May...is going away...fast!

For whatever reason, April seemed to drag on, yet May seems to be slipping through my fingers. It has been a busy month...but I think all months are busy, really!

School is winding down, which Carter is happy about! He likes that he's learned a lot at school. He loves to read signs and words wherever he can find them, but he doesn't like going to school. I think the hardest part for him, is just the waking up and getting out the door. Then he does fine. Poor guy...I know how he feels. I was that way too. I don't remember it starting in Kindergarten though...but perhaps.

I'm pretty excited about the 3 cake orders I have for graduations. They are all for teens in our youth group and I'm happy to be a part of their celebration. They are all good guys and I'm confident they will each serve the Lord in whatever it is they do in life. At least two of them have plans for full-time ministry! Yeah! Each of them have a good understanding of their faith and what it means to them.

Speaking of graduations...we have 11 graduating seniors this year. That's a big group! Many of them are faithful to our youth ministry and it will be strange when they head off for college and other things. We will miss them.

We are also gearing up for our VBS! We are using Group Publishing's "Crocodile Dock" and expect to have a lot of fun with it! The setting is down by the bayou...a swamp atmosphere. Greg will be our resident hillbilly! The kids will love it, I'm sure. It's scheduled for the 2nd week of June. And, there is still a lot to be done to get ready. But, it always comes together. Prayers are welcome!!!

The kids are doing well...so much fun! Taylor has been having trouble with ear infections. She's currently on anti-biotics and it seems to be working well. However, she has a lot of drainage in her throat causing her to cough a nasty cough! But, the Dr. says she sounds good and her ear infection looks like it has cleared up (but we'll finish the meds!). She is 15 mos. old now and at such a fun stage. She's always happy and loves to imitate everything. Jackson loves to try to get her to say new words. He did this with Lincoln too and Lincoln talks very well for his age, so I guess Jackson is a good teacher! :)

Lincoln is just a joy! He's funny...smart...loving...etc. :) He knows his ABC's...not just to say them, but he recognizes them. He learned them just about the time he was turning 2 yrs. old, but it still blows my mind sometimes when he picks out letters randomly. I know he's not the only 2 yr. old to have accomplished this, but he's MY only 2 yr. old to do it, so far!

Jackson...is still giving us a run for our money. But, I will say, he has calmed down a lot and is doing better. He's full of fire and with good (prayerful) guidance, it will serve him well, I'm sure! But, you can NOT let your guard down with him. He'll win! With that said, he is one of the sweetest kids I know...when he's being sweet. He'll start pre-school this August and I really think that will be good for him. It's just for 3 hours a day and it will give him a structured environment where he can be busy the entire time! I think he'll thrive in it!

Carter, as I said earlier, is about to finish Kindergarten. He told me the other day, out-of-the-blue, that he wants me to home-school him next year. This surprised me, because, even though I've talked about it with Greg, I never discussed it with Carter. Turns out, he had discussed it with a teenage girl in our youth group, who is homeschooled. :) I asked him why and his answer had something to do with the fact that he could be home and play all day and not go to school. Hmmmm.....I don't think that's what homeschooling is all about! We plan on sending him to public school again next year, but homeschooling is not off the table completely...something I thought I'd NEVER hear myself say!

I guess that's about all I have to say for now. I should be in bed...so I'll head there now. Have a great day!

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Cake Fun!

I have decided to try and make a business out of making cakes. We'll see how it goes.

Check this out sometime...


Have a good day!

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Quick Update

Hello...yes, it's been awhile. I started to post once in January and something happened and I lost what I had written. I didn't have the energy to start over. :) So, now, a month later...I'll try again, but this will be brief because I'm about to head out the door to take Carter to his LAST basketball practice (for the year!).

Taylor had a follow-up check up today after her Bronchial infection 3 weeks ago. The Dr. said her lungs sound great! If it weren't for her runny nose (started Sat.), we'd have been able to cut out the albuterol treatments altogether, but he said to continue those (twice a day) through the weekend. We will continue all of her other meds, but after the weekend, she'll be down to one breathing treatment, 2 inhalers (well, one, twice a day) and her CPT (chest therapy) twice a day, plus, of course, her enzymes at each meal.

Carter was sick last week, enough to keep out of school for 3 days. He came home from school Tuesday and within a few hours had a high fever and vomited. FUN! His fever stayed between 100 and 103 for a couple days. Tylenol and Motrin seemed to keep it down some, but by the time it was time for his next dose, it was up again. But, it went away Thursday evening. Now he has a pretty congested sounding cough, but that's all. So...flu maybe? Who knows! My kids all get flu shots (for the CF kids sake), but it's still possible to get it...at least it may not be as bad though.

Lincoln also had a fever, but for only 24 hours. He decided to let me know he was sick by puking on me at 3:45 am IN BED! That's when I noticed the fever. This was Sunday AM...so once again...no church for us! (They're going to think I've stopped coming for good!)

Jackson...is not sick!!! Somehow, he's managed to stay well through all of this. Praise the Lord!

Greg and I are also well...so far. =)

I'll try to post again soon...TRY...being the key word!

Thank you to those who check in once and awhile to see how we're doing. If you're on facebook, you can keep up with me a little better!

"Who Am I?" Awesome Video

Before playing this video, please scroll down to the bottom of the page and pause or silence my music player. Enjoy! This is awesome!!!


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